President's Advisory Council on AIDS (PACHA) approves resolution calling for federal action against HIV criminalization

by Catherine Hanssens Executive Director, CHLP The President’s Advisory Council on AIDS today voted to approve a resolution calling for federal action against HIV criminalization. The resolution includes the following recommendations: 1.

The Register's Editorial: It's time to rethink Iowa's HIV sex law

When you look at the size of the Iowa Code, it’s obvious state officials excel at creating new laws. They are champing at the bit to add more this legislative session. If their goal is really to make Iowa a better place to live, our elected officials should muster as much enthusiasm for repealing problematic statutes.

Des Moines Democratic Senator Matt McCoy wants to change Iowa's HIV disclosure law

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) – A Des Moines lawmaker plans to introduce legislation that would reduce penalties for HIV-positive people who have sex without disclosing their health condition. Des Moines Democratic Sen. Matt McCoy says he wants to change the law to reduce penalties and focus on people who purposefully infect others with the virus.Under the current law, HIV-positive people who have sex without disclosing their condition can face up to 25 years in prison if convicted, regardless of whether someone is infected. “That is truly a Draconian punishment,” McCoy said. “Being diagnosed with HIV is no longer the death sentence it once was.”

McCoy wants to change the law so someone convicted of intentional or attempted transmission of the virus could be sentenced to a maximum of five years in prison and face a $750 to $7,500 fine. That would put HIV in the same criminal category as transmitting any other communicable disease, such as Hepatitis C. McCoy also wants to end a requirement that people convicted must be placed on a sex offender registry for life.

The Legislature unanimously approved the current law in 1998. The law was approved, in part, as a reaction to a 1996 case in New York where a man intentionally infected 13 women and girls with HIV. Among those voting for the Iowa law was McCoy, who is openly gay. McCoy said the current law made sense based on what was known about HIV and AIDS, but times have changed. “The fact that I’m gay has a real impact on my sensitivity to this issue,” McCoy said. “Clearly, I’m extremely impacted by the gay community and sensitive to people living with HIV. “I just feel it’s the right thing to do for this group of people that have been so stigmatized.”

The proposed changes to the law would take into account whether an HIV-positive person took steps to prevent transmission of the disease, such as using a condom and taking medication that makes it less likely that a sexual partner would be infected. Medications have dramatically improved over the decades, and with proper treatment HIV-positive people can greatly reduce the amount of virus in their blood and make transmission of the disease unlikely.

Randy Mayer, who heads an Iowa Department of Public Health bureau that oversees HIV, said the best way officials can reduce the spread of HIV is to encourage partners to disclose their HIV status to each other. That’s why he agrees with McCoy that the law should be changed. “The law was originally set up to encourage disclosure, but it’s doing the opposite,” he said. “The law is frequently cited by people we work with as something that creates stigma and distrust of the system. … It’s what’s creating stigma.”

McCoy has previously tried to change the law but his bills have become stuck in committees. This time, he said he has support from health care professionals, HIV/AIDS advocacy groups, law enforcement and the Iowa attorney general’s office. Since the Legislature approved the Iowa law, 25 people have been convicted, though only two of those infected partners with HIV. Of those 25, 12 people remain in prison, four are on parole, one is on probation and a trial for one person is pending.

Tami Haught, who became HIV-positive 19 years ago after being infected by her husband, said she supports McCoy’s proposal. Haught works with Community HIV/Hepatitis Advocates of Iowa, which helped draft McCoy’s bill. Haught’s husband became infected through a blood transfusion in the 1980s and died of AIDS in 1996. They married after he was infected. “It takes two people to talk about protection and disclosure. I never had the discussion with my fiance,” she said. “That’s why I hate this law because it puts the entire burden on the HIV person.”

British Columbia's Emergency Intervention Disclosure Act to allow court-ordered HIV testing of anyone who exposes their "bodily substance" to first responders

The Emergency Intervention Disclosure Act was passed on May 31, 2012 and will come into play March 2, 2013. The new regulation sets out the legal and procedural details that support the act, including adding victims of crime to those who can apply for a testing order.

First responders are pleased that in just a month, they’ll have more peace of mind about being exposed to open wounds and needles on the job. In the past victim’s haven’t had to give a blood sample, but now paramedics and firefighters can get a court order. Before this, first responders would often go months wondering if they had contracted a disease like HIV or Hepatitis.

UN Commission on the Status of Women Accepts Statement on HIV Criminalization and Women

The 57th Session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women accepted for publication a Statement calling for the repeal of all laws criminalizing HIV transmission, exposure to HIV, or failure to disclose HIV status.

Washington state plans to amend HIV-specific statute to cover all serious communicable diseases

A Washington state law that criminalizes intentionally infecting other persons with HIV without their consent may be expanded to include any disease that is dangerous or deadly.

New Code for Crown Prosecutors suggests adverse impact on complainant's health may make a prosecution less likely

28/01/2013 The Director of Public Prosecutions, Keir Starmer, QC, has today published a new edition of the Code for Crown Prosecutors, the overarching document that guides prosecutors and police in deciding whether or not to charge a suspect. The publication follows a three month public consultation on a shorter, streamlined version of the Code.

Arizona Democrat plans new law to criminalise "intentional exposure" to HIV and other STIs via sex, needles or blood donation

PHOENIX – A House Democrat wants to make it a felony to intentionally expose others to HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases such as gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphilis. “If you know you’re infectious, you should not be spreading that around no matter what the motivation is,” said Rep. Lela Alston, D-Phoenix.

Switzerland: New Law on Epidemics delayed due to referendum, change in HIV law still likely

The road to law reform can be long and rocky, especially in a direct democracy like Switzerland. The proposed changes (for the better) to a law that has been used to prosecute people with HIV for potential exposure even when their partner consented to unprotected sex, and/or when there was no risk, first agreed upon last March will now be put to a popular vote.

The revised Law on Epidemics will only criminalise the intentional spread of a communicable disease.

Last week, the initiative committee for a referendum on the new Law on Epidemics brought to the Federal Chancellery over 80,000 signatures from Swiss citizens unhappy with the law.

According to my sources in Switzerland, the public debate has not been about the change in the law relating to prosecutions for HIV exposure or transmission. In fact, the majority of political parties, the government, all the health institutions, and all the Cantons favour the new law.

Rather, the referendum demand was a result of strong opinions over those parts of the law dealing with mandatory vaccinations and sex education in schools.

The date for the referendum is not yet clear, although it is possible that it will take place before the end of 2013.  Last November, the same group behind this referendum forced a similar vote on the new law on animal medicine and lost by a large majority (68%), which is encouraging.

Another encouraging sign is that earlier this month, the German-language Tages Anzeiger (Daily Gazette) published a broadly positive article explaining the changes in the law that relate to HIV.  I have (unofficially) translated the into English, and it is reproduced below.

The federal government plans to decriminalise the transmission of AIDS

Claudia Blumer, Daily Gazette, 01/11/2013


Switzerland treats HIV-positive people who infect a sexual partner especially harshly. Following international criticism, it will change the criminal code.

Today someone who negligently, willfully or maliciously infects someone with the AIDS virus is punished by up to five years in prison. In the future only transmission of the virus with “malice aforethought” will punishable. The terms “willfully” and “negligently” have been deleted from the revised Law on Epidemics, which includes an amendment to Article 231 of the the Criminal Code. The law was supposed to come into force in early 2013. Due to  the referendum, voters are now expected to decide in June.

Parliament adopted the Law on Epidemics in the autumn of 2012. The change in the criminal code was a resul of long debate in the lower houses. Senator Urs Schwaller (CDP) explains why he agreed to change the provision only to “malice aforethought”: “The offender, in this case, would have acted with intent to harm. If they had merely been negligent, this could be prosecuted under general criminal statutes for personal injury. ”

A relaxation of the criminal law also makes sense for preventive-medical reasons, notes Ticino MP Dr Ignazio Cassis (FDP). According to current scientific knowledge  prosecuting HIV-positive people is counter-productive because it stigmatises the disease and those affected by it. This may result in greater harm to public health if we do not dare speak openly about the disease. “The general sense of justice collides at this point with the pragmatic preventive medical approach,” says Cassis.

36 convictions since 1990

The Swiss law on HIV transmission has become more restrictive over the past 20 years. At the beginning of the 90s, Article 231 – which covers the spread of disease – was used for the first time in connection with AIDS. Since then, according to Aids-Hilfe Switzerland, there have been 36 guilty verdicts based on actual or attempted transmission of HIV through sexual contact. A federal court ruling from 2008 states that an HIV-positive person can be punished even if they knew nothing of their infection.

The number of convictions in relation to the number of HIV-positive people is higher in Switzerland than in most other European countries. In this country, sometimes even people living with HIV have been punished even if the unprotected sexual intercourse took place with the partner’s full knowledge and consent to the risk of infection, or when no one was infected, or if the HIV-positive person was rendered uninfectious by antiretroviral therapy. The reason for the legal interest is because Article 231 is about “public health”: it does not protect individual interests, but those of the community. The consent of the partner therefore doesn’t protect the HIV-positive person from prosecution. Neighbouring European countries apply laws relating to personal injury or death, resulting in fewer convictions. But many countries are in the process of revising their criminal provisions, says Marcel Niggli, professor of criminal law at the University of Freiburg. The trend is towards decriminalisation.

Laws easing “overdue”

The Swiss law on HIV transmission has been repeatedly criticized by international organisations. However, Switzerland has not been put under political pressure, says Ignazio Cassis. Yet he has heard informal criticism from abroad, for example, at international AIDS conferences. He has been exposed to, among other things, calls from UNAIDS, an agency of the United Nations, for the decriminalization of HIV transmission. In a position paper it calls on governments not to create HIV-specific laws. Switzerland has also been criticized by the UN Human Rights Council. As part of the Universal Periodic Review it criticized Switzerland in an October 2012 report, for punishing HIV-positive people regardless of the specific situation. This is contrary to the prevention strategies. The criminalization of HIV transmission is ineffective and causes only the stigmatization of those affected.

The amendment was not informed by the Federal Health Office, or by a long-standing demand by the Federal Commission for Sexual Health and Aids-Hilfe Switzerland Switzerland. Federal Commission for Sexual Health President Pietro Vernazza has said that the decriminalization of unprotected sex for people with HIV has been overdue since the late Nineties, especially if they were successfully treated with antiretroviral therapy: “Studies have proven the effectiveness of the therapy. During treatment, an HIV-positive is not contagious.”