UK: Woman with low viral load sentenced to 14 months in prison for biting police officer

UK: 25 months for woman living with HIV who bit police officer

Australia: Sydney man who allegedly bit a police officer during a psychotic episode has been granted bail

US: Man charged in Tennessee with criminal exposure of HIV for allegedly biting a police officer

India: Man living with HIV arrested for biting policeman

Australia: Man living with HIV charged for allegedly biting and spitting at hospital staff

China: Sentence for man accused of biting officer extended from 15 days to one year because of his HIV status

Russia: Court in Votkinsk sentences man living with HIV to 3 years in jail for biting a policeman

Russia: Man living with HIV sentenced to 3 years imprisonment for biting a police officer

Russia: Man to appear in court in Udmurtia charged with “knowingly exposing others to HIV” for biting police officer