Russia: 32-year-old man in Novosibirk fined and sentenced to 1.8 year in prison for alleged HIV transmission


Man from Novosibirk intentionally infected the girl with HIV. He was given almost 2 years of strict security

August 1, 2018

In Novosibirsk, the trial of a 32-year-old man, who three years ago infected his partner with HIV, ended: he was given a real term.

“In the court session <…> [he] did not fully acknowledge the crime in the commission of the crime and explained that he had informed the victim about the HIV infection,” the NSO correspondent was told in the prosecutor’s office of the Kirovsky district of Novosibirsk.

As previously reported in the same department, in December 2014 the convict began to correspond with the girl already known to him in the social network “VKontakte”, soon the couple began to meet. According to the prosecutor’s office, the man has already been tried many times and, in addition, according to the partner, in the past he was drug addict. Therefore, before sex, the girl asked if he had any diseases that could be transmitted sexually. The man assured the partner that he was not sick at all, although from the beginning of 2013 he knew about his HIV status,  the district prosecutor’s office said.

According to her information, in the spring of 2015, the girl found herself infected with the virus, and went to the police . As a result, the man went to court.

As explained in the prosecutor’s office of the Kirov district, by this time he was already serving another term in the colony of strict regime for “theft of property.” “But since we began to consider [a new criminal case] in court, he was sent to the SIZO,” the prosecutor’s office explained.

In court, the man claimed that he had not kept his HIV status from anyone, but the girl insisted that she did not know about his illness. “He hid it from her, and his relatives and acquaintances, but after entering into sexual relations, informed the victim that he was HIV-infected,” the prosecutor’s office told.

The Kirov District Court of Novosibirsk found the man guilty of “transmitting HIV” (Part 2, Article 122 of the Criminal Code) and sentenced him to 1 year of imprisonment and 8 months. Taking into account the previous sentence, the convict finally received 6 years in a strict-regime colony. In addition, he is obliged to pay the infected 29-year-old girl 200 thousand rubles for non-pecuniary damage. The verdict has not yet entered into legal force.

Новосибирец специально заразил девушку ВИЧ. Ему дали почти 2 года строгого режима

В Новосибирске завершился суд над 32-летним мужчиной, который три года назад заразил ВИЧ-инфекцией свою партнёршу: ему дали реальный срок.

«В судебном заседании <…> [он] вину в совершении преступления полностью не признал и пояснил, что о наличии у него ВИЧ-инфекции сообщал потерпевшей», — рассказали корреспонденту НГС в прокуратуре Кировского района Новосибирска.

Как ранее сообщали в этом же ведомстве, в декабре 2014 года осуждённый начал переписываться с уже знакомой ему девушкой в социальной сети «ВКонтакте», вскоре пара стала встречаться. По информации прокуратуры, мужчина уже не раз был судим и, кроме того, по словам партнёрши, в прошлом был наркозависимым. Поэтому перед сексом девушка спросила, нет ли у него заболеваний, которые могут передаваться половым путём. Мужчина заверил партнёршу, что ничем не болеет, хотя ещё с начала 2013 года знал о своём ВИЧ-статусе, рассказывали в прокуратуре района.