Mexico: HIV criminalisation reform proposal approved by Mexico City Justice Commission; it now progresses to legislative plenary

Mexico City Commission launches initiative to end criminalisation of people living with HIV

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The Commission of Administration and Procuration of Justice of the Congress of Mexico City approved the resolution of the initiative to reform and repeal various provisions of the local Penal Code, with the aim of eliminating article 159 that criminalises people with HIV.

The initiative also seeks to amend articles 76 and 130, with the aim of eliminating the criminalisation of people with sexually transmitted diseases.

The document notes that HIV-related stigma and fear continue to proliferate in many regions and discriminatory practices are widespread in health and other social services.

“Depriving people of their liberty because of their health status violates their right to legal equality, the right to non-discrimination, sexual and reproductive rights, the right to health protection and the right to quality, timely, safe and effective health care,” the initiative states.

In an extraordinary virtual session, the deputy José Octavio Rivero Villaseñor (Morena), president of this commission, explained that the opinions of several legislators interested in the issue were gathered for this ruling.

It is expected that next Thursday in session, the legislative plenary will raise the initiative for general approval and repeal.