US: HIV law reform tops advocates agenda for 2025 legislative session in Maryland

HIV decriminalization bill is FreeState Justice’s top 2025 legislative priority

A bill that would decriminalize HIV in Maryland is a top legislative priority for FreeState Justice in 2025.

FreeState Justice Community Advocacy Manager Ronnie Taylor told the Washington Blade on Wednesday the Carlton R. Smith Jr. HIV Modernization Act seeks to repeal “outdated and stigmatizing laws that criminalize the transfer of HIV, bringing Maryland’s public health laws in line with modern science and best practices.”

The bill is named after Carlton Smith, a long-time LGBTQ activist known as the “mayor” of Baltimore’s Mount Vernon neighborhood who died last May. A similar measure died in the Senate Judicial Proceedings Committee in 2024.

“The bill emphasizes public health education, anti-discrimination measures, and access to care, ensuring those living with HIV are supported rather than penalized,” said Taylor.

Taylor pointed out FreeState Justice is working with the Maryland Legislative LGBTQIA+ Caucus and the Maryland Commission on LGBTQIA+ Affairs to build support for four additional bills and policy objectives.

• The Birth Certificate Modernization Act would “streamline the process for amending gender markers on birth certificates to make it more accessible and affirming.”

• The Commission on History, Culture and Civics would create “an inclusive commission to center marginalized voices in Maryland’s history, culture, and civics education.”

• The implementation of “inclusive and diverse English Language Arts Standards” in public schools that would ensure “curricula reflect diverse identities and lived experiences, fostering a more inclusive learning environment for students.”

• The creation of a “comprehensive health education framework” that would establish “a robust and inclusive health education framework for primary and secondary schools, focusing on equity and affirming all students.”

Taylor noted FreeState Justice is also “exploring ways to support” Compassion and Choices, a group that advocates for assisted dying, in their efforts in support of the Honorable Elijah E. Cummings End of Life Option Act.

“The act has profound historical significance for LGBTQIA+ communities, as end-of-life options were first championed during the HIV/AIDS epidemic of the 1990s, highlighting the importance of dignity and choice,” said Taylor.

She added the “legislative efforts reflect FreeState Justice’s commitment to advancing equity and dignity for LGBTQIA+ Marylanders through policy advocacy and community collaboration.”

Mexico: Advocacy organisation calls for the repeal of HIV criminalisation law in Tabasco

Tudyssex seeks to eliminate laws that criminalize people with HIV

Translated from Spanish with Google Translate; scroll down for original article.

The president of Tabasqueños Unidos por la Diversidad y la Salud Sexual (Tudyssex), José Cruz Guzmán Matías, said that they are preparing a proposal to eliminate the legal provisions that criminalize people living with HIV, for having sexual relations without a condom, describing them as discriminatory and obsolete.

Cruz Guzmán pointed out that the state’s Criminal Code contemplates penalties of up to six years in prison and fines for those who, living with communicable infections, are denounced for having unprotected sex.

The activist recalled that, a person with HIV who has adequate control with antiretroviral drugs, achieves that the virus is not only undetectable, but non-transmissible, so that he can lead a normal life, without risk of infecting others.

“The Penal Code includes an article dating back to 1940, when syphilis was the most feared disease. Today we know that HIV, with the appropriate treatment, does not represent a risk of transmission in these conditions. That’s why we ask for its elimination,” he explained.

In addition to the penalty, he also denounced civil rights limitations faced by people with HIV, such as the requirement to undergo medical tests before civil marriage.

According to the leader of Tudyssex, this measure can be used to deny marriage to HIV-positive people, despite the fact that both parties are informed and agree.

Busca Tudyssex que se eliminen leyes que criminalizan a personas con VIH

El presidente de Tabasqueños Unidos por la Diversidad y la Salud Sexual (Tudyssex), José Cruz Guzmán Matías, señaló que preparan una propuesta para eliminar las disposiciones legales que criminalizan a las personas que viven con VIH, por mantener relaciones sexuales sin condón, calificándolas de discriminatorias y obsoletas.

Cruz Guzmán señaló que el Código Penal del estado contempla penas de hasta seis años de prisión y multas para quienes, viviendo con infecciones transmisibles, sean denunciados por tener relaciones sexuales sin protección.

El activista recordó que, una persona con VIH que lleva un control adecuado con medicamentos antirretrovirales, logra que el virus sea no solo indetectable, sino intransmisible, por lo que puede llevar una vida normal, sin riesgo de contagiar a otros.

“El Código Penal incluye un artículo que data de 1940, cuando la sífilis era la enfermedad más temida. Hoy sabemos que el VIH, con el tratamiento adecuado, no representa un riesgo de transmisión en estas condiciones. Por eso pedimos su eliminación”, explicó.

Además de la penalización, también denunció las limitaciones en derechos civiles que enfrentan las personas con VIH, como el requisito de realizarse pruebas médicas antes del matrimonio civil.



Mexico: Bill proposes new HIV/STI prevention law in Chihuahua and Criminal Code reform

Proposed Law on Prevention and Care of HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections

Translated with; Scroll down for original article in Spanish.

Congresswoman Argüelles presented a legislative proposal to Congress.

Given the need to raise awareness and treat these diseases in a comprehensive way in the entity, the deputy for Morena, Jael Argüelles Díaz, presented to the State Congress the proposal for the issuance of the Law on Prevention and Care of HIV / AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections for the State of Chihuahua.

This law is projected to contemplate at least five chapters through which the objectives are established, the instances that will be involved and the formation of the State Council in order to follow it up.

The purposes included by the deputy in the drafting of this law include the establishment of the principles and criteria that guide public policies in the field of prevention and comprehensive care of HIV/AIDS and other STIs in the state.

It also seeks to establish the necessary conditions for the implementation of strategies on prevention and care for people affected by sexually transmitted infections.

In the same way, he proposed that the Criminal Code of the State eliminate the crime of “danger of contagion” that is established in relation to people who suffer from any of these diseases mentioned.

“Putting an end to AIDS means reaching all those affected by HIV, especially vulnerable populations,” emphasized the legislator in her explanatory statement, who regretted that to date millions of people continue to be left behind, especially those belonging to vulnerable groups.

He recalled in turn that infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a viral disorder that progressively destroys certain white blood cells and is treated with antiretroviral drugs. If not treated, it can cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) that is no more than terminal stage HIV.

“Prejudices, stigmas and ignorance continue to play a very important role in our society and this has caused that, today, at the time of diagnosis, between 35 and 40 percent of people living with HIV are already in the AIDS stage,” he said, raising aware of the urgency of implementing prevention actions.

Proponen Ley de Prevención y Atención al VIH/SIDA e Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual

La diputada Argüelles presentó una propuesta legislativa ante el Congreso

Ante la necesidad de concientizar y atender estas enfermedades de una manera integral en la entidad, la diputada por Morena, Jael Argüelles Díaz, presentó ante el Congreso del Estado la propuesta para la expedición de la Ley de Prevención y Atención del VIH/SIDA e Infecciones de Transmisión Sexualpara el Estado de Chihuahua.

Esta ley se proyecta que contemple al menos cinco capítulos a través de los cuales se establecen los objetivos, las instancias que estarán involucradas y la conformación del Consejo Estatal a fin de darle seguimiento.

Dentro de los propósitos que incluye la diputada en la redacción de esta ley se incluyen el establecer los principios y criterios que orienten las políticas públicas en materia de prevención y atención integral del VIH/SIDA y otras ITS en el estado.

También se busca establecer las condiciones necesarias para la implementación de estrategias en materia de prevención y atención a las personas afectadas por las infecciones de transmisión sexual.

De la misma manera, propuso que se elimine el Código Penal del Estado el delito de “peligro de contagio” que se establece con relación a las personas que padecen alguna de estas enfermedades mencionadas.

“Poner fin al SIDA significa llegar a todos los afectados por el VIH, especialmente poblaciones en situación de vulnerabilidad”, enfatizó en su exposición de motivos la legisladora quien lamentó que a la fecha se siga dejando a millones de personas atrás, especialmente a las que pertenecen a grupos vulnerables.

Recordó a su vez que la infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) es un trastorno vírico que, progresivamente, destruye ciertos glóbulos blancos y se trata con medicamentos, antirretrovirales. De no tratarse, puede causar síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA) que no es más que el VIH en fase terminal.

“Los prejuicios, los estigmas y la ignorancia siguen jugando un papel muy importante en nuestra sociedad y ello ha provocado que, hoy por hoy, al momento del diagnóstico, entre 35 y 40 por ciento de las personas viviendo con VIH ya están en la etapa de SIDA”, externó al concientizar sobre la urgencia de implementar acciones de prevención.

Poland: Health Ministry advocates revising HIV exposure laws to align with modern science

The Ministry of Health wants to remove HIV from the law. It’s about exposure to infectious diseases

Translated with Google translate. For original article in Polish please scroll down

The Ministry of Health wants to change the regulation on exposure to HIV infection. Instead, there would be a general term for infectious diseases. The Ministry of Health turned to the Ministry of Justice in this matter.

The Ministry of Justice is analyzing the proposal, but is currently not working on such a change in the Criminal Code – according to the Polish Press Agency.

Currently art. 161 of the Criminal Code reads: “Anyone who, knowing that he is infected with HIV or is affected by a venereal or infectious disease, a serious incurable disease or a real life-threatening disease, directly exposes another person to infection with this virus or such a disease, is subject to imprisonment from 3 months to 5 years”.

Anna Marzec-Bogusławska, head of the National Center for AIDS, believes that the article should be modified.

There is no reason for HIV infections to be the only ones isolated in this article – it is stigmatizing and harmful. It is enough for them to be subject to general regulation, which speaks of conscious exposure to infection with an infectious disease. The fight against the stigmatization of infected people is a priority for many programs to support people with HIV, also in the international forum – she said at the beginning of December. As she explained, these recommendations were sent to the Ministry of Justice.

It is also about reducing the penalty

The Ministry of Health’s proposal in this matter was sent to the Criminal Law Codification Commission under the Minister of Justice in February this year. It contains a proposal to mitigate the sentence and adapt it to current medical knowledge in the field of HIV/AIDS and legal knowledge.

The Ministry of Health proposed a new content of art. 161: “Whoever, knowing that he is affected by a venereal or infectious disease, a serious incurable disease or a real life-threatening disease, directly exposes another person to infection with this virus or such a disease, is subject to imprisonment from 3 months to 3 years”

This means that in addition to deleting the name of the HIV virus from the provision, the ministry also wants the maximum penalty to be reduced to its original version, i.e. the departure from five in favor of three years. So much was predicted in the 1990s. In the 1960s, when the regulation came into force.

The Ministry of Health explained that initially, with a much lower state of medical knowledge, the maximum penalty was still lower than the current one. “At the same time, medical knowledge, the availability of infection prevention measures, the general public’s knowledge of HIV/AIDS and ways to prevent infection, and the availability, quality and effectiveness of antiretroviral treatment at the end of the 20th century are now incomparable” – it said in a letter to the Ministry of Justice.

“Medical knowledge has changed”

The Ministry proposed to reduce the sentence to five years in the third paragraph of the same article, which currently provides for – in the case of exposure to infection of many people – imprisonment from one to 10 years.

In the justification addressed to the Criminal Law Codification Commission at the Minister of Justice, the Ministry of Health described the changes that have occurred over the years in the treatment possibilities of people infected with the HIV virus.

“There is no doubt that the intentional and effective transmission of HIV to a person in order to destroy his health is a criminal activity. However, cases of intentional and conscious transmission of the virus are extremely rare, as are cases of negligence on the part of health care workers” – it was emphasized.

The document indicates police statistics: the number of crimes found exposure to HIV, infectious or venereal disease (Article 161 para. 1-2) in the years 1999-2020 never exceeded 20 per year, and on average it amounted to 13.

Western Europe model

“Such acts may be prosecuted on the basis of other, general provisions of law, which makes it unnecessary to maintain existing or create additional regulations concerning HIV only,” the Ministry of Law noted in the letter. It was added that modern treatment options for people with HIV give a 96 percent reduction in the risk of infection transmission, and thus treatment allows you to break the epidemiological chain of new infections, improving the safety of the entire population.

According to the HIV Justice Network, an NGO, HIV criminal laws now mention HIV in 75 countries, in three parts of the world: the United States, Eastern Europe/Central Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.

“In the European Union, only a few Member States have introduced legislation specifically on HIV exposure or transmission. Denmark, which was the only country in Western Europe to introduce criminal records in 2001, suspended them 10 years later. Romania and Latvia have also adopted criminal laws on HIV, but the criminalisation rates are at a very low level,” the Ministry of Health said.

Ministry of Justice: we are considering, we are not working on changes

The Codification Commission of Criminal Law under the Minister of Justice issued an opinion on the application of the Ministry of Health. It contains a number of doubts about the proposal, including the lack of consistency. At the same time, however, it was stated that the postulate that the provision should no longer contain the term “HIV virus” – but provided that the current scope of criminalization was maintained – is “undoubtedly worthy of consideration”.

When asked about a possible change in the regulation, the Ministry of Justice replied that “the office does not carry out such work”.

“Nevertheless, on the basis of the demands of the National Center for AIDS, there is an exchange of correspondence and opinions between the Minister of Justice and the Minister of Health, which concerns possible changes to Article 161 paragraph 1 and 3 of the Criminal Code. Only after the completion of these findings will it be possible to determine whether in the described by the National Center for AIDS in the field, the provision will be changed” – added the Press Department of the MS.

HIV and AIDS in Poland and in the world

The first case of HIV infection in Poland was detected in 1985. From that time until the end of 2023, less than 33,000 infections were reported, more than 4 thousand people fell ill with AIDS, 1496 patients died. In 2023, almost 40 million people lived with HIV in the world. 1.3 million new people were banned from the virus, and 630,000 died from AIDS-related diseases.

In 2023, a record number of HIV infections were detected in Poland – 2879. This is more than twice as much as the annual data of a decade ago. According to the National Institute of Public Health, 322 people were banned in Poland in 2023 as a result of homosexual contacts, and 214 people – as a result of heterosexual contacts. In addition, 36 reported infection by taking drugs by injection, and 25 – through vertical infections, i.e. mother-child. Most people who were diagnosed with HIV infection were in the “no data on the source of infection” group.

Currently, thanks to the advancement of medicine, if a person living with HIV regularly takes antiretroviral drugs and has undetectable viremia (a condition defined as the presence of viruses that can multiply in the blood) for half a year, it is non-infectious to sexual partners according to the principle of “n=n”, or “undetectable=non-infectable”.

HIV is the human immunodeficiency virus. The infection can be asymptomatic for many years, which makes diagnosis very difficult. For up to 8-10 years, it may not give any symptoms, but during this time the virus constantly multiplies and destroys the immunity of an infected person. It can cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome – AIDS.

Ministerstwo Zdrowia chce wykreślić HIV z ustawy. Chodzi o narażenie na choroby zakaźne

Ministerstwo Zdrowia chce zmiany przepisu o narażeniu na zakażenie HIV. Zamiast tego miałoby się pojawić ogólne określenie dotyczące chorób zakaźnych. Resort zdrowia zwrócił się w tej sprawie do Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości.

Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości analizuje propozycję, jednak obecnie nie pracuje nad taką zmianą w Kodeksie karnym – podaje Polska Agencja Prasowa.

Obecnie art. 161 Kodeksu karnego brzmi: “Kto, wiedząc, że jest zarażony wirusem HIV lub dotknięty chorobą weneryczną lub zakaźną, ciężką chorobą nieuleczalną lub realnie zagrażającą życiu, naraża bezpośrednio inną osobę na zarażenie tym wirusem lub taką chorobą, podlega karze pozbawienia wolności od 3 miesięcy do lat 5″.

Anna Marzec-Bogusławska, szefowa Krajowego Centrum ds. AIDS, uważa, że przepis powinien zostać zmodyfikowany.

– Nie ma podstaw, żeby zakażenia HIV, jako jedyne, były wyodrębnione w tym artykule – jest to stygmatyzujące i krzywdzące. Wystarczy, by podlegały one pod ogólną regulację mówiącą o świadomym narażeniu na zakażenie chorobą zakaźną. Walka ze stygmatyzacją osób zakażonych jest priorytetem wielu programów wspierania osób z HIV, także na forum międzynarodowym – mówiła na początku grudnia. Jak wyjaśniła, rekomendacje te zostały przesłane do Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości.

Chodzi też o zmniejszenie kary

Wniosek resortu zdrowia w tej sprawie już w lutym br. został skierowany do Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej Prawa Karnego przy Ministrze Sprawiedliwości. Zawarto w nim propozycję złagodzenia wymiaru kary i jej dostosowania do aktualnej wiedzy medycznej w zakresie HIV/AIDS oraz wiedzy prawnej.

MZ zaproponowało nową treść art. 161: “Kto, wiedząc, że jest dotknięty chorobą weneryczną lub zakaźną, ciężką chorobą nieuleczalną lub realnie zagrażającą życiu, naraża bezpośrednio inną osobę na zarażenie tym wirusem lub taką chorobą, podlega karze pozbawienia wolności od 3 miesięcy do lat 3”.

Oznacza to, że poza wykreśleniem z przepisu nazwy wirusa HIV, ministerstwo chce też, aby złagodzono maksymalny wymiar kary do jego pierwotnej wersji, czyli odejścia od pięciu na rzecz trzech lat. Tyle przewidywano w latach 90. XX wieku, kiedy przepis wchodził w życie.

Resort zdrowia wyjaśnił, że początkowo, przy znacznie niższym stanie wiedzy medycznej, maksymalny wymiar kary i tak był niższy, niż obecny. “Przy czym wiedza medyczna, dostępność środków zapobiegających zakażeniom, wiedza ogółu społeczeństwa o HIV/AIDS i sposobach zapobiegania zakażeniu oraz dostępność, jakość i skuteczność leczenia antyretrowirusowego końca XX w. i obecnie są nieporównywalne” – podkreślono w piśmie do Ministerstwa Sprawiedliwości.

“Zmieniła się wiedza medyczna”

MZ zaproponowało również, by złagodzić do pięciu lat karę w paragrafie trzecim tego samego artykułu, która obecnie przewiduje – w przypadku narażenia na zakażenie wielu osób – pozbawienie wolności od roku do 10 lat.

W uzasadnieniu skierowanym do Komisji Kodyfikacyjnej Prawa Karnego przy Ministrze Sprawiedliwości resort zdrowia opisał zmiany, jakie zaszły na przestrzeni lat w możliwościach leczenia osób zakażonych wirusem HIV.

“Nie ulega wątpliwości, że celowa i skuteczna transmisja HIV na osobę w celu zniszczenia jej zdrowia stanowi działanie o charakterze przestępczym. Jednakże, przypadki celowej i świadomej transmisji wirusa są niezwykle rzadkie, podobnie jak przypadki zaniedbań ze strony pracowników ochrony zdrowia” – podkreślono.

W dokumencie wskazano na statystyki policji: liczba stwierdzonych przestępstw narażenia na chorobę wywołaną wirusem HIV, zakaźną lub weneryczną (art. 161 par. 1-2) w latach 1999-2020 nigdy nie przekroczyła 20 rocznie, a średnio wyniosła 13.

Europa Zachodnia wzorem

“Tego rodzaju czyny mogą być ścigane na podstawie innych, ogólnych przepisów prawa, co powoduje, że zbędne staje się zachowanie istniejących lub tworzenie dodatkowych przepisów dotyczących wyłącznie HIV” – zaznaczono w piśmie MZ. Dodano, że współczesne możliwości leczenia osób z HIV dają 96 proc. redukcję ryzyka transmisji zakażenia, a tym samym leczenie pozwala na przerwanie łańcucha epidemiologicznego nowych zakażeń, poprawiając bezpieczeństwo całej populacji.

Według danych organizacji pozarządowej HIV Justice Network, obecnie przepisy karne wspominają o HIV w 75 krajach, w trzech częściach świata: Stanach Zjednoczonych, Europie Wschodniej/Azji Środkowej i Afryce Subsaharyjskiej.

“W Unii Europejskiej jedynie kilka państw członkowskich wprowadziło zapisy prawne konkretnie dotyczące narażenia na lub transmisji HIV. Dania, która w 2001 r. wprowadziła jako jedyny kraj w Europie Zachodniej zapisy karne, zawiesiła je już 10 lat później. Rumunia i Łotwa również przyjęły przepisy karne dotyczące HIV, jednakże wskaźniki kryminalizacji kształtują się na bardzo niskim poziomie” – zwrócił uwagę resort zdrowia.

Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości: rozważamy, nie pracujemy nad zmianami

Komisja Kodyfikacyjna Prawa Karnego przy Ministrze Sprawiedliwości wydała opinię na temat wniosku Ministerstwa Zdrowia. Zawarto w niej szereg wątpliwości dotyczących propozycji, co do braku spójności. Jednocześnie jednak stwierdzono, że postulat, by przepis nie zawierał już określenia “wirus HIV” – ale pod warunkiem zachowania dotychczasowego zakresu kryminalizacji – jest “niewątpliwie godny rozważenia”.

Na pytanie o ewentualną zmianę przepisu, Ministerstwo Sprawiedliwości odpowiedziało, że “resort nie prowadzi takich prac”.

“Niemniej, na kanwie postulatów Krajowego Centrum ds. AIDS, pomiędzy Ministrem Sprawiedliwości, a Ministrem Zdrowia trwa wymiana korespondencji i opinii, która dotyczy właśnie ewentualnych zmian w art. 161 par. 1 i 3 k.k. Dopiero po zakończeniu tych ustaleń będzie możliwe stwierdzenie, czy w opisywanym przez Krajowe Centrum ds. AIDS zakresie, przepis będzie zmieniany” – dodał Wydział Prasowy MS.

HIV i AIDS w Polsce i na świecie

Pierwszy przypadek zakażenia wirusem HIV w Polsce wykryto w 1985 roku. Od tamtego czasu do końca 2023 r. odnotowano niespełna 33 tys. zakażeń, ponad 4 tys. osób zachorowało na AIDS, 1496 chorych zmarło. Na świecie – w 2023 r. żyło z HIV prawie 40 mln osób. Wirusem zakaziło się 1,3 mln nowych osób, a 630 tys. zmarło na choroby związane z AIDS.

W 2023 r. w Polsce wykryto rekordowo dużo zakażeń HIV – 2879. To ponad dwukrotnie więcej niż dane roczne sprzed dekady. Według Narodowego Instytutu Zdrowia Publicznego 322 osoby zakaziły się w Polsce w 2023 r. w wyniku kontaktów homoseksualnych, a 214 osób – w wyniku kontaktów heteroseksualnych. Dodatkowo 36 zgłosiło zakażenie poprzez przyjmowanie narkotyków w iniekcjach, a 25 – poprzez zakażenia wertykalne, czyli matka-dziecko. Większość osób, u których wykryto zakażenie HIV, znalazła się w grupie “brak danych o źródle zakażenia”.

Obecnie, dzięki postępowi medycyny, jeśli osoba żyjąca z HIV przyjmuje regularnie leki antyretrowirusowe i przez pół roku ma niewykrywalną wiremię (stan definiowany jako obecność we krwi mogących się namnażać wirusów) jest niezakaźna dla partnerów seksualnych zgodnie z zasadą “n=n”, czyli “niewykrywalny=niezakażający”.

HIV to ludzki wirus upośledzenia odporności (ang. human immunodeficiency virus). Zakażenie może przez wiele lat przebiegać bezobjawowo, co bardzo utrudnia diagnozę. Przez nawet 8-10 lat może nie dawać żadnych symptomów, jednak w tym czasie wirus cały czas namnaża się i niszczy odporność zakażonej osoby. Może wywołać zespół nabytego upośledzenia odporności – AIDS.



Mexico: Legislator proposes repeal of HIV criminalisation statute in State of Mexico

They ask to avoid criminalization of people with HIV/AIDS in a legal framework

Translated from Spanish with Scroll down for original article. 

On behalf of the civil association Fuera del Clóset, in the Mexican Congress, Deputy Luisa Esmeralda Navarro Hernández proposed repealing the rules of the state Criminal Code that are discriminatory and violating the human rights of those living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) or diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).

In a deliberative session, accompanied by legislators wearing T-shirts with the message “Undetectable = Untransmissible,” Luisa Esmeralda Navarro assured that currently this regulatory framework criminalizes people with incurable diseases, in articles that presuppose their guilt in cases equivalent to crimes of homicide and aggravated injuries.

In the presence of activists, she explained that the legislation, for example, provides for the punishment as homicide of “whoever knowing that they suffer from a serious, incurable and deadly disease, infects another or causes death.”

In addition to considering as aggravating factors of the crime of injury, with penalties of two to eight years in prison and a fine of 120 to 250 days, when “incurable disease” occurs, in a category equivalent to other consequences, such as mental alienation, permanent loss of a member or any organic function or a permanent incapacity to work.

The State Penal Code also contains a chapter called “Danger of Contagion”, which states that, anyone who knowing that they suffers from a serious illness during an infectious period, puts another in danger of contagion, by any means of transmission, will be subject to a penalty of six months to two years in prison and a fine of 30 to 60 days.

According to the citizen initiative, this presupposes the obligation of a person accused of having transmitted a disease or virus to another, in this case HIV, to carry out a clinical analysis and expose their state of health, which implies a violation of their privacy, placing them in a risk situation in their family, friendship, work, educational and social spaces, which, added to the aforementioned article, implies “a serious risk for people with HIV/AIDS”, in terms of their physical, emotional, psychological and economic integrity.

Additionally, the document states, the result of these accusations can be maximized and become dangerous situations for this sector of the population, when they are combined with the ignorance of the authorities in charge of the procurement and administration of justice.

For this reason, it is proposed to eliminate from Fraction V of Article 238 the aggravating circumstance related to “when injuries produce incurable disease”; repeal the second paragraph of article 241 which establishes that the knowing contagion of the disease will be sanctioned as homicide; as well as article 252 referring to the “danger of contagion”.

The deputy recognised the work of the civil association Fuera del Clóset for the promotion of initiatives to combat discrimination.

Piden evitar criminalización de personas con VIH/SIDA en marco legal

A nombre de la asociación civil Fuera del Clóset, en el Congreso mexiquense, le diputade Luisa Esmeralda Navarro Hernández (morena) planteó derogar las normas del Código Penal estatal que resultan discriminatorias y violatorias de los derechos humanos de quienes viven con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) o con diagnóstico de síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida (SIDA).

En sesión deliberante, acompañada por legisladoras y legisladores portando playeras con el mensaje “Indetectable = Intransmisible”, Luisa Esmeralda Navarro aseguró que actualmente este marco normativo criminaliza a personas con enfermedades incurables, en artículos que presuponen su culpabilidad en casos equivalentes a delitos de homicidio y lesiones agravadas.

En presencia de activistas, explicó que la legislación, por ejemplo, prevé sancionar como homicidio a “quien a sabiendas de que padece una enfermedad grave, incurable y mortal, contagie a otro o le cause la muerte”.

Además de que considera como agravantes del delito de lesiones, con penas de dos a ocho años de prisión y de 120 a 250 días multa, cuando se produzca “enfermedad incurable”, en una categoría equivalente a otras consecuencias, como la enajenación mental, pérdida definitiva de algún miembro o de cualquier función orgánica o una incapacidad permanente para trabajar.

El Código Penal estatal también contiene un capítulo denominado “Peligro de Contagio”, el cual señala que, a quien sabiendo que padece una enfermedad grave en período infectante, ponga en peligro de contagio a otro, por cualquier medio de transmisión, se le aplicará una pena de seis meses a dos años de prisión y de 30 a 60 días multa.

De acuerdo con la iniciativa ciudadana, esto presupone la obligación de una persona acusada de haber transmitido una enfermedad o virus a otra, en este caso VIH, a realizarse un análisis clínico y exponer su estado de salud, lo que implica una violación a su privacidad, colocándole en una situación de riesgo en sus espacios familiares, de amistad, laborales, educativos y sociales, lo que, sumado al articulado antes expuesto, implica “un grave riesgo para las personas con VIH/SIDA”, en cuanto a su integridad física, emocional, psicológica y económica.

Adicionalmente, señala el documento, el resultado de esas acusaciones puede maximizarse y convertirse en situaciones de peligro para dicho sector de la población, cuando se conjuntan con el desconocimiento de las autoridades encargadas en la procuración y administración de justicia.

Por tal motivo, se propone eliminar de la Fracción V del Artículo 238 la agravante relacionada a “cuando las lesiones produzcan enfermedad incurable”; derogar el segundo párrafo del artículo 241 que establece que se sancionará como homicidio el contagio a sabiendas de la enfermedad; al igual que el artículo 252 referente al “peligro de contagio”.

Le diputade reconoció la labor de la asociación civil Fuera del Clóset por el impulso de iniciativas para combatir la discriminación.

Mexico: Senator proposes initiative to repeal HIV criminalisation in Mexico

Reyna Celeste Ascencio proposes to repeal article 199 Bis of the Federal Penal Code

Translated with – For original article in Spanish, please scroll down

The president of the Commission on Human Rights, Reyna Celeste Ascencio Ortega, announced that, together with civil society organizations, she will present an initiative that aims to end the discrimination and criminalization of people living with HIV and other infections or sexually transmitted diseases.

At a press conference, the Senator of Morena explained that her project proposes to repeal article 199 Bis of the Federal Penal Code, which sanctions the danger of contagion, because it establishes up to five years in prison for those who, knowing that they have a venereal disease or another serious illness in an infectious period, endanger the health of another person.

The legislator’s initiative also establishes a new “type of injury”, to sanction those who, based on scientific evidence, maliciously transmit any incurable disease by any means.

He said that these types of measures, in no way prevent contagion or prevent the spread of diseases, but they promote fear, increase misinformation, discrimination and stigma about HIV, which puts access to prevention and detection methods at risk, since, since there is a deprivation of liberty, he said, people do not even dare to get tested.

She considered that the existence of this provision in the criminal codes is unconstitutional, because it violates article 1, which establishes that no person may be discriminated against because of his or her health condition or any other person that violates human dignity and is intended to annul or undermine his rights and freedoms.

Article 199 Bis of the Federal Penal Code, she added, puts at risk the rights of access to justice, health, equality, sexual and reproductive health, as well as non-discrimination, since it establishes that the contagion is implicit and is intentional by people living with HIV or some sexually transmitted infection; without considering the forms of transmission, because what sanctions is the fact of living with this disease.

For his part, Francisco Javier López Lozada, of the KARUNA Organization, Health and Development and the Network of organizations against the criminalization of HIV, revealed that in at least 27 states of the Republic there are punitive laws that generate stigma, discrimination and violence against people suffering from this disease.

Hilda Téllez, a human rights defender, indicated that in the states of Chiapas, Guerrero, Durango, Guanajuato, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, Quintana Roo and Sinaloa, they contain provisions in their legislation that prohibit marriage to people who have an infectious disease, which causes prejudices and stigmas.

Abraham Torres Medina, director of the National Network of Diverse Youth, said that, according to the UNAIDS report in Mexico, from 2010 to 2023 19,000 new cases of AIDS were registered in Mexico, and until last year, there were 380,000 people living with HIV, so there is an estimate that 0.4 percent of the population of our country live with this disease.

Reyna Celeste Ascencio propone derogar el artículo 199 Bis del Código Penal Federal

La presidenta de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos, Reyna Celeste Ascencio Ortega, dio a conocer que, de la mano de organizaciones de la sociedad civil, presentará una iniciativa que tiene el propósito de acabar con la discriminación y criminalización de las personas que viven con VIH y otras infecciones o enfermedades de transmisión sexual.

En conferencia de prensa, la senadora de Morena explicó que su proyecto propone derogar el artículo 199 Bis del Código Penal Federal, que sanciona el peligro de contagio, porque establece hasta cinco años de prisión a quien, a sabiendas de que tiene un mal venéreo u otra enfermedad grave en periodo infectante, ponga en peligro la salud de otra persona.

La iniciativa de la legisladora también establece un nuevo “tipo de lesión”, para sancionar a quien con base en evidencia científica trasmita dolosamente por cualquier medio alguna enfermedad incurable.

Precisó que este tipo de medidas, de ninguna manera previenen el contagio ni evitan la propagación de enfermedades, sino que propician el temor, aumentan la desinformación, la discriminación y el estigma sobre el VIH, lo que pone en riesgo el acceso a los métodos de prevención y detección, ya que, al existir una sanción privativa de la libertad, dijo, las personas no se atreven ni siquiera a hacerse la prueba.

Consideró que la existencia de esta disposición en los códigos penales es inconstitucional, porque vulnera el artículo 1o que establece que ninguna persona puede ser discriminada por su condición de salud o cualquiera otra que atente contra la dignidad humana y tenga por objeto anular o menoscabar sus derechos y libertades.

El artículo 199 Bis del Código Penal Federal, agregó, pone en riesgo los derechos de acceso a la justicia, salud, igualdad, salud sexual y reproductiva, así como a la no discriminación, pues establece que el contagio se encuentra implícito y es intencionado por parte de las personas que viven con VIH o alguna infección de trasmisión sexual; sin contemplar las formas de trasmisión, porque lo que sanciona es el hecho de vivir con esta enfermedad.

Por su parte, Francisco Javier López Lozada, de la Organización KARUNA, Salud y Desarrollo y la Red de organizaciones contra la criminalización del VIH, reveló que en al menos 27 estados de la República existen leyes punitivas que generan estigmas, discriminación y violencia contra las personas que padecen esta enfermedad.

Hilda Téllez, defensora de derechos humanos, indicó que en los estados de Chiapas, Guerrero, Durango, Guanajuato, Nuevo León, Oaxaca, Puebla, Querétaro, Quintana Roo y Sinaloa, contienen disposiciones en su legislación que prohíben el matrimonio a las personas que tienen una enfermedad infectocontagiosa, lo que origina prejuicios y estigmas.

Abraham Torres Medina, director de la Red Nacional de Juventudes Diversas, afirmó que, según el reporte de ONUSIDA en México, de 2010 a 2023 se registraron 19 mil nuevos casos de Sida en México, y hasta el año pasado, había 380 mil personas viviendo con VIH, por lo que existe una estimación de que el 0.4 por ciento de la población de nuestro país viven con este mal.

Mexico: Baja California legislator seeks reform of HIV Criminalisation Law

They are seeking to decriminalise the risk of HIV infection in Baja California.

Translated from Spanish with – For original article, please scroll down.

The deputy for the second district of the Baja Californi a State Congress, Jaime Eduardo Cantón Rocha, said he is working on an initiative to decriminalise the risk of HIV infection, considering it discriminatory.

Article 160 of the Baja California Penal Code establishes a penalty of 1 to 4 years in prison for a person who, ‘knowing that he or she is ill with a venereal disease or other serious illness during an infectious period, puts the health of another at risk of contagion, through sexual relations or other transmissible means, or violating a duty of care’.

In addition, an aggravating circumstance of five to nine years’ imprisonment is added if the disease is incurable.


In this regard, Cantón Rocha stated that this article has been used mainly against people with the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), who in some cases happen to be members of the LGBT+ community, which is why he considered this law to be discriminatory.

“(The law) is very focused on this disease (HIV). And the truth is that in the statistics, people of sexual diversity have a higher rate of infection than heterosexual people,’ he said.

Because of this, he considered that changing this article is important both for the LGBT+ community and for people living with HIV.

“This is obviously discriminatory because you cannot criminalise a person for carrying a disease. Especially because a person will never ask to be in a situation of any disease or contagion,’ he said.

Human Rights

In this sense, the also president of the Diversity Commission in Congress, indicated that they will harmonise this law in accordance with respect for human rights.

Although he did not specify whether there are any people being prosecuted under this law, he pointed out that it is a violation of human rights simply because this type of condition is classified as a criminal offence.

On HIV, he pointed out that there are important studies published recently that reveal substantial advances in reducing the virus in the body. He also assured that public health institutions are now effectively dealing with such cases.

Article 160 also stipulates that both the accused and the complainant must be compulsorily required to undergo curative treatment for the disease in question in an appropriate institution.

Buscan despenalizar riesgo de contagio de VIH en Baja California

El diputado por el segundo distrito del Congreso del Estado de Baja California, Jaime Eduardo Cantón Rocha, dijo trabajar en una iniciativa para despenalizar el riesgo de contagio de VIH por considerarlo discriminatorio.

El artículo 160 del Código Penal de Baja California establece sancionar de 1 a 4 años en prisión a la persona que, “ha sabiendas de que está enfermo de un mal venéreo u otra enfermedad grave en periodo infectante, ponga en peligro de contagio la salud de otro, por relaciones sexuales u otro medio transmisible, o violando un deber de cuidado”.

Además, se agrega un agravante con pena de cinco a nueve años en prisión en caso de que la enfermedad padecida resulte incurable.


Al respecto, Cantón Rocha aseveró que dicho artículo ha sido usado principalmente en contra de personas portadoras del Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH), que en algunos casos resultan ser integrantes de la comunidad LGBT+, por lo que consideró esta ley como discriminatoria.

“(La ley) está muy enfocada hacia esa enfermedad (VIH). Y la verdad es que en la estadística las personas de la diversidad sexual registran un mayor índice de contagios que las personas heterosexuales”, expresó.

Debido a esto, consideró que cambiar este artículo resulta importante tanto para la Comunidad LGBT+, como para las personas portadoras del VIH.

“Esto es evidentemente discriminatorio porque no puedes criminalizar a una persona por portar una enfermedad. Sobre todo porque una persona nunca va pedir estar en una situación de alguna enfermedad o contagio”, expresó.

Derechos humanos

En ese sentido, el también presidente de la Comisión de la Diversidad en el Congreso, indicó que armonizarán dicha ley conforme al respeto a los derechos humanos.

Aunque no precisó si existen personas procesadas por esta ley, señaló que es violatorio de derechos humanos por el simple hecho de que este tipo de condiciones se cataloguen delitos penales.

Sobre el VIH, destacó que existen estudios importantes publicados recientemente que revelan avances sustanciales para la disminución del virus en el cuerpo. Asimismo, aseguró que las instituciones de salud pública atienden efectivamente dichos casos en la actualidad.

El artículo 160 también establece que, tanto al denunciado como al denunciante, deberá imponerse obligatoriamente un tratamiento curativo de la enfermedad en cuestión en una institución adecuada.

Uzbekistan: Successful advocacy is reshaping HIV legislation and profession bans

“‘A woman came to us, she asked for help with the legal process’” – Interview with Evgenia Korotkova

Translated from Russian with Google translate. Scroll down for the original article. 

Do you want to know how an activist living with HIV went from a public defender in cases under Article 113 of the Criminal Code to a community expert who, after speaking at a feminist forum, is influencing the humanisation of legislation on people living with HIV in Uzbekistan?

Read about it in Svetlana Moroz’s interview with Yevgeniya Korotkova on the significant reduction of the list of prohibited professions for people living with HIV in Uzbekistan.

S.M.: Zhenya, let’s start from the beginning. In 2020, a woman who faced criminal prosecution for working as a hairdresser came to your organisation for help. Tell us about this woman, why did she come to you specifically?

E.K.: I remember very well when we first started to focus on the issue of HIV criminalisation under Article 113 of the Criminal Code. At that time, we were actively collecting cases of people who had been prosecuted under this article. At some point we came across an article on the website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It said that an orphaned teenager living with HIV had sexual relations with a teenage girl and she became pregnant. The main message of the article was directed at parents – they should keep an eye on their children and have preventive conversations with them.

However, the article was full of stigmatising, incorrect and distorted information. Amidst the outrage, we decided to write a post on our organisation’s page, where I gave my comments. This post also included an appeal to people living with HIV who were affected by Part 4 of Article 113 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan. We informed that they could contact us for legal assistance and counselling.

The response to the post did not take long. One of the first to appeal was a woman who worked as a hairdresser. She told us that her case had already been taken to court and at the time of the investigation she didn’t even have money for a lawyer. We started looking for ways to help and were able to find money to pay for a lawyer. The lawyer took on her case and filed a request to review the materials.

In the process of discussions with the woman, we came to the conclusion that I would participate in the court as a public defender from our organisation. It was the first such experience for me. We did not know that we even had the opportunity to represent someone’s interests in this way. So we prepared a motion in which we indicated that in addition to the lawyer, the interests of the woman would be represented by a public defender – that is me.

This case was a serious test for me. We discovered a new form of assistance that we had not even realised existed before.Now we know that the involvement of a public defender can be key in such cases and really helps people.

S.M.: How did this case get to court? Who sued this woman? How did they find out about her HIV status?

E.K.: How exactly this case ended up in court, we learnt only during the trial. It turned out that a police officer came to the woman’s workplace with some list. He showed her that she was on the list and said that it included people who violated the law. In particular, it was about those who were HIV-positive and worked in a hairdresser’s shop, which was allegedly against the law.

In fact, it meant the transfer of health data to law enforcement agencies without the consent of the patient. And at the trial they did not even tried to hide this fact. During the trial, the prosecutor who was in charge of the case directly stated that the information about her HIV status had been obtained from the AIDS Centre.

S.M.: How was the trial? What was the verdict?

E.K.: The trial was held in closed mode, because the case concerned doctor-patient confidentiality and confidentiality of the diagnosis. We were very lucky that we managed to attract doctors who supported our side and defended the woman.She was strictly following the ARV regimen, so she had an undetectable viral load. In court, a doctor acted as an expert who clearly explained that under such conditions, infection was impossible. He also emphasised that there were no casualties at the time of trial.

Even the investigator pointed out in the case file that the woman did not use scissors or razors in her work – only a haircutting machine. She did not use cutting or stabbing objects that could theoretically create a threat of infection. It is important to note that the witnesses who were called from her work did not testify negatively. They confirmed that the woman performed her duties professionally and without impropriety.

In my arguments, I relied on this evidence to argue that our defendant could not have transmitted HIV infection while working as a hairdresser. During the hearing, the judge asked me, ‘As a public defender, would you, yourself,  have gone to this woman to cut your hair?’ I explained that HIV transmission would have required a number of unlikely conditions: she would have had to be off therapy, and she would have cut herself and me badly. Only then could there be a theoretical threat of infection. But even then, the probability of transmission would be extremely low.

I would like to note separately that the Makhali committee gave our defendant serious support. They filed many petitions in her defence, despite knowing her HIV status. The women’s committee also got involved in the process and filed additional motions in favour of our client.

However, the woman was still given a suspended sentence of two and a half years. This decision was taken because of the existence of Article 113, under which she was tried. The court took into account that she had a minor child, and this influenced the mitigation of the sentence.

I still remember how the judge, while announcing the verdict, emphasised the importance of our advocacy work. He said that our organisation should work on changing the list of prohibited professions because it contradicts modern legislation. These words were the starting point for a great advocacy process that took us three years. This case not only showed us the need to protect people in specific situations, but also gave a start to changes at the systemic level.

S.M.: How does this woman live now? How does she feel?

E.K.: You can imagine, she worked in her favourite profession for more than 30 years. It was a terrible blow for her – to lose the job on which she had built her whole life. Given that she had a minor child and was a single mother and the sole breadwinner in the family, all the responsibility fell on her shoulders. After the trial, it was very difficult for her to find a suitable job. She did everything she could: she cleaned houses, worked as a governess, tried a lot of professions.

It was not easy for her to recover from the trial. She underwent a long psychological rehabilitation, and we, on our part, also supported her by providing the services of a psychologist. This period was very difficult for her. When the legislation was finally changed, I was the first to send her the amended document. But unfortunately, she never returned to the profession. Instead, she started her own small business, determined to start her life with a clean slate.

We continued and still maintain a relationship with her. After the trial, she took part in the Judges’ Forum where she spoke openly and told her story. She shared how an unfair piece of legislation had affected her life and it was an act of courage and hope for change. She was motivated by the desire to help others who are HIV-positive so that they would no longer have to face the hardships and humiliation that she went through.

We realised that this case was not only about criminal law issues, but also touched on socio-economic rights. It showed how much stigma and restrictive laws can affect a person’s life, depriving them of a source of income and the ability to work in a profession. Nevertheless, her story has become an important part of our advocacy work and has helped draw attention to the need for change in the law.

S.M.: We have another milestone in this story – in 2022, Uzbekistan, the third country in Central Asia (after Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan) to receive, among other things, a recommendation to decriminalise HIV transmission from the UN CEDAW committee. Your country received this recommendation, largely due to your participation and our joint shadow report from the community. Can we assume that the recommendations received have influenced the advocacy process in the context of HIV decriminalisation, namely the revision of the list of prohibited professions?

E.K.: I had only three minutes to address the CEDAW Committee and I remember very well how we prepared my oral statement. Every second mattered. It seems to me that all our efforts were interconnected, especially considering how seriously the state takes the recommendations of international structures. In recent years, the country has really seen progress in supporting women.

From 2019, laws have started to be adopted to ensure equal rights for men and women and to combat discrimination and violence against women. I see that the country is emphasising women’s economic independence and expanding our educational and professional opportunities. Special attention is being paid to women’s access to leadership positions, which opens up new perspectives for us.

I believe that the final recommendations of the CEDAW Committee may have played a role in the state’s attention to the list of prohibited professions. This list has long been in need of revision, as it restricted women’s rights and hindered their professional development. The work in this direction is ongoing, and I hope that our efforts will help more women to avoid such restrictions and achieve justice.

S.M.: So, the year is 2024. Something has happened that probably you and we ourselves did not expect – the list of prohibited professions for people living with HIV in Uzbekistan has been changed (reduced) by the order of the Minister of Health. How did this become possible?

E.K.: According to the new order, HIV-positive people can now work as dentists, as long as they are not involved in surgical interventions. This move was a significant change, especially for us, as we had a case where a man working as a dental technician was prosecuted just because of his HIV status.

In November 2023, there was a big feminist forum where I gave a speech that was well received. One of the newspapers wrote about me as a leader living with HIV. After this publication, the presidential administration became interested in my story. I was invited to a meeting to discuss the most pressing issues facing women and people living with HIV.

At the meeting, I tried to use this opportunity to draw attention to the list of prohibited professions. I explained that this piece of legislation is not only of no public benefit, but also destroys people’s lives by restricting their ability to work in their profession. My arguments resonated. I had the impression that I was able to convince them that this order had long ago lost its relevance.

In the course of the discussion, it became clear that the officials with whom I spoke had a progressive approach and were ready to support the initiative to review and amend the list of prohibited professions. Their readiness for dialogue and understanding of the importance of the issue inspired me and gave me hope for further positive changes.

S.M.: Do I understand correctly that officials of the Ministry of Health had no resistance to this initiative? Before that, doctors used to hand over data on people with HIV to the police. I can’t forget the case when a woman (nurse) was simply summoned to the district department in the middle of the working day, checked the list of her contacts in the phone book, asked who she was sleeping with, threatened with an article, etc. – such ‘preventive’ humiliating methods.

E.K.: After the adoption of the new, shortened list of prohibited professions, we started to conduct trainings for medical workers. In the process, we encountered some resistance – among the participants there were epidemiologists who did not support the changes. They argued that the risk of HIV transmission still existed despite the new data and international standards. Such statements rather demonstrated their lack of awareness of the issue. Later, their colleagues, doctors with more experience, even advised them to refrain from making such statements in order not to mislead other participants.

Particularly important for us was the participation of the chief epidemiologist of the Republican AIDS Centre in these trainings. He presented information about the changes in the list of professions in the most professional and accessible way possible, which helped to reduce mistrust and resistance among health workers. His presentations played an important role in disseminating correct knowledge.

We also held meetings with the staff of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in particular with representatives of the moral department, which supervised cases related to Article 113 of the Criminal Code. They were the ones who had previously initiated cases against HIV-positive hairdressers, leading to their criminal prosecution. These discussions were important for us because they allowed us to convey to law enforcement officials that the old norms no longer meet modern realities and only contribute to the stigmatisation of people living with HIV.

S.M.: We know that you worked on the bill that has already been submitted from your NGO Ishonch va Haet to the parliament. You have also received a response, thankfully. How do you assess the prospect of amending the Criminal Code with regard to Article 113?

E.K.: I am an optimist and I am sure that the changes will definitely happen, it is only a matter of time. It is already evident that people involved in legislative reforms realise that some laws are outdated and need to be revised. It is good to see that the country is actively aiming to update the legislative systems and bring them in line with modern realities.

I believe that our voice will be heard. Especially since these changes are being called for not only by civil society, but also by the scientific and medical community, as well as international organisations. These are not just recommendations invented in a narrow circle of activists/v – they are a global agenda, reflecting progress and the realisation that HIV infection is now a chronic disease that can be lived with thanks to affordable and effective treatment.

Importantly, positive developments are already taking place in the country. Progressive initiatives on gender equality, protection of the rights of women and people living with HIV demonstrate the state’s commitment to improving the quality of life of its citizens. These changes give me confidence that the reform will also affect the legislative acts that still restrict people in their rights and freedom of choice of profession.

I believe in my state and its rational approach. I see that there is a dialogue going on and it is bearing fruit. We are moving towards change, and I am convinced that it will be positive for everyone.

S.M.: One last question. Looking back at your path from a public defender to a community expert who submits a draft of legislative changes to the parliament, tell us how you came to this? Who/what is behind it?

E.K.: Behind all our efforts there are always people – people who need help and support. I myself am a woman living with HIV, and although I have not experienced criminalisation directly, I have had many examples of stigma and discrimination in my life. One of the people I defended in court is now an employee of our organisation. It is stories like these that give me the strength and inspiration to keep going.

Deep down, I dream of a perfect world. No one can stop me from at least trying to make it so. My main motivation has always been to ensure that people living with HIV no longer face discrimination and stigma, that their rights are respected and not violated just because of their diagnosis.

I am convinced that the state should work in the interests of those who live in it. And today we really have good prospects.We see the existence of political will and civil society, which is actively involved in promoting change and has real weight.This is a favourable time for change.

The state is showing a desire to hear us and understand our problems. Moreover, we are not just talking about problems, we are helping to find solutions, and this process becomes an additional motivation for me. When we are listened to and really heard, it is inspiring. It means that our efforts matter and lead to change.

Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan

On approval of the List of types of professional activities prohibited for persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus

[Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on May 07, 2014. Registration № 2581]

Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan

On approval of the List of types of professional activities prohibited for persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus

[Registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on February 19, 2024. Registration № 3497]

Types of professional activities prohibited for persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus


1. Professions related to the procurement and processing of blood and its components.

2. Professions related to the production of blood and its components, sperm and breast milk.

3. Professions related to blood transfusion.

4. Professions related to the following medical procedures: injections; dialysis; venesection;, catheterization.

5. Professions related to cosmetic and plastic surgery.

6. Professions related to dental procedures.

7. Professions related to childbirth.

8. Professions related to abortions and other gynecological operations.

9. Professions related to hair and shaving, piercing, manicure, pedicure and tattooing.

Types of professional activities prohibited for persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus


1. Professions related to the procurement, processing and transfusion of human blood and/or its components.

2. Professions related to all types of surgery.

3. Professions related to childbirth.

4. Professions related to the following medical procedures: dialysis; venesection; catheterization.

«К нам пришла женщина, она просила помощи с судебным процессом»

Интервью с Евгенией Коротковой

Хотите узнать, как активистка, живущая с ВИЧ, прошла путь от общественной защитницы по делам по 113-й статье Уголовного Кодекса до экспертки сообщества, которая после выступления на феминистском форуме влияет на гуманизацию законодательства в отношении людей, живущих с ВИЧ, в Узбекистане?

Читайте об этом в интервью Светланы Мороз с Евгенией Коротковой, посвященном существенному сокращению списка запрещенных профессий для людей, живучих с ВИЧ, в Узбекистане.

С.М.: Женя, давай начнем с начала. В 2020 году к вам в организацию за помощью обратилась женщина, которая столкнулась с уголовным преследованием за то, что она работала парикмахером. Расскажи про эту женщину, почему она пришла именно к вам?

Е.К.: Я хорошо помню, как мы только начали уделять внимание проблеме криминализации ВИЧ в рамках статьи 113 Уголовного кодекса. Мы тогда активно собирали кейсы людей, которые были привлечены по этой статье. В какой-то момент наткнулись на статью на сайте МВД. В ней говорилось о том, что подросток-сирота, живущий с ВИЧ, вступил в половую связь с подростком девочкой, и она забеременела. Основной посыл статьи был направлен на родителей — мол, следите за детьми и проводите с ними профилактические беседы.

Однако статья была переполнена стигматизирующей, некорректной и искаженной информацией. На фоне возмущения мы решили написать пост на странице нашей организации, где я дала свои комментарии. В этом посте также было обращение к людям, живущим с ВИЧ, которые пострадали по части 4-й статьи 113 УК РУз. Мы сообщали, что они могут обратиться к нам за юридической помощью и консультациями.

Реакция на пост не заставила себя долго ждать. Одной из первых обратилась женщина, работавшая парикмахером. Она рассказала, что ее дело уже передано в суд, а на момент расследования у нее даже не было средств на адвоката. Мы начали искать возможности помочь и смогли найти деньги на оплату адвокатских услуг. Адвокатка взялась за ее дело и подал запрос на ознакомление с материалами.

В процессе обсуждений с этой женщиной мы пришли к выводу, что я буду участвовать в суде как общественная защитница от нашей организации. Это был для меня первый такой опыт. Мы не знали, что у нас вообще есть возможность представлять чьи-то интересы таким образом. И мы подготовили ходатайство, в котором указали, что помимо адвоката интересы женщины будет представлять общественная защитница — то есть я.

Этот случай стал для меня серьезным испытанием. Мы открыли для себя новую форму помощи, о существовании которой раньше даже не догадывались. Теперь мы знаем, что участие общественного(ой) защитника/цы может оказаться ключевым в подобных делах и реально помогает людям.

С.М.: Как это дело попало в суд? Кто подал в суд на эту женщину? Как они узнали о ее ВИЧ статусе?

Е.К.: То, как именно это дело оказалось в суде, мы узнали только в ходе судебного процесса. Оказалось, что к женщине на работу пришел сотрудник милиции с каким-то списком. Он показал ей, что она числится в этом списке, и заявил, что туда включены люди, нарушающие закон. В частности, речь шла о тех, кто имеет ВИЧ-положительный статус и работает в парикмахерской, что якобы противоречит закону.

Фактически это означало передачу данных о состоянии здоровья правоохранительным органам без согласия пациентки. И на суде этот факт даже не пытались скрыть. В ходе разбирательства прокурор, который вел дело, прямо заявил, что сведения о ее ВИЧ-статусе были получены из Центра СПИДа.

С.М.: Как проходил суд? Какой был приговор?

Е.К.: Судебное разбирательство проходило в закрытом режиме, поскольку дело касалось врачебной тайны и конфиденциальности диагноза. Нам очень повезло, что удалось привлечь врачей, которые поддержали нашу сторону и встали на защиту женщины. Она строго следовала режиму приёма АРВ-терапии, благодаря чему у нее была неопределяемая вирусная нагрузка. В суде в качестве эксперта выступил врач, который ясно объяснил, что при таких условиях инфицирование было невозможно. Он также подчеркнул, что на момент разбирательства не было ни одного пострадавшего.

Даже следователь указал в материалах дела, что женщина не пользовалась в работе ножницами или бритвами — только машинкой для стрижки. Она не применяла режущие и колющие предметы, которые могли бы теоретически создать угрозу заражения. Важно отметить, что свидетели, которых вызывали с ее работы, не давали негативных показаний. Они подтверждали, что женщина выполняла свои обязанности профессионально и без нарушений.

В своих прениях я опиралась на эти доказательства, утверждая, что наша подзащитная не могла передать ВИЧ-инфекцию, работая парикмахером. Во время заседания судья задал мне вопрос: «Вы, как общественная защитница, сами бы пошли стричься к этой женщине?» Я объяснила, что для передачи ВИЧ потребовался бы целый ряд маловероятных условий: она должна была бы не принимать терапию, при этом и себя, и меня сильно порезать. Только в таком случае могла бы возникнуть теоретическая угроза заражения. Но даже тогда вероятность передачи была бы крайне низкой.

Отдельно хочу отметить, что махалинский комитет оказал нашей подзащитной серьезную поддержку. Они подали множество ходатайств в ее защиту, несмотря на знание ее ВИЧ-статуса. К этому процессу также подключился комитет женщин, который внес дополнительные ходатайства в пользу нашей клиентки.

Однако женщине все же назначили условный срок — два с половиной года. Это решение было принято из-за существования статьи 113, по которой ее судили. Суд учел, что у нее есть несовершеннолетний ребенок, и это повлияло на смягчение приговора.

До сих пор помню, как судья, оглашая приговор, подчеркнул важность нашего адвокационного направления. Он сказал, что наша организация должна работать над изменением списка запрещенных профессий, потому что он противоречит современному законодательству. Эти слова стали отправной точкой для большого адвокационного процесса, который занял у нас три года. Это дело не просто показало нам необходимость защиты людей в конкретных ситуациях, но и дало старт изменениям на системном уровне.

С.М.: Как сейчас живет эта женщина? Как она себя чувствует?

Е.К.: Представляешь, она проработала в своей любимой профессии более 30 лет. Для нее это было страшным ударом — лишиться работы, на которой она строила всю свою жизнь. Учитывая, что у нее был несовершеннолетний ребенок, а она — мать-одиночка и единственная кормилица в семье, вся ответственность легла на ее плечи. После суда ей было очень тяжело найти подходящую работу. Она бралась за все, что могла: убирала дома, работала гувернанткой, перепробовала массу профессий.

Восстановиться после судебного процесса ей было нелегко. Она проходила длительную психологическую реабилитацию, и мы со своей стороны также оказывали ей поддержку, предоставив услуги психолога. Этот период был очень непростым для нее. Когда наконец изменили законодательство, я первой отправила ей документ с поправками. Но, к сожалению, она так и не вернулась в профессию. Вместо этого она открыла свой маленький бизнес, решив начать жизнь с чистого листа.

Мы продолжали и до сих пор поддерживаем с ней отношения. После суда она приняла участие в Форуме судей, где выступила с открытым лицом и рассказала свою историю. Она поделилась тем, как несправедливая законодательная норма отразилась на ее жизни, и это стало для нее своего рода актом мужества и надеждой на перемены. Её мотивацией было желание помочь другим людям с ВИЧ-положительным статусом, чтобы они больше не сталкивались с теми трудностями и унижениями, через которые прошла она.

Мы понимали, что этот случай касался не только вопросов уголовного права, но и затрагивал социально-экономические права. Он показал, как сильно стигматизация и ограничительные законы могут повлиять на жизнь человека, лишив его источника дохода и возможности работать по профессии. Тем не менее, ее история стала важной частью нашей адвокационной работы и помогла привлечь внимание к необходимости изменений в законодательстве.

С.М.: У нас есть еще одна веха в этой истории — в 2022 году, Узбекистан, третья страна в ЦА (после Таджикистана и Кыргызстана), которая среди прочего получила рекомендацию декриминализировать передачу ВИЧ от комитета ООН CEDAW. Твоя страна получила эту рекомендацию, во многом, благодаря твоему участию и нашему совместному теневому отчету от сообщества. Можем ли мы считать, что полученные рекомендации повлияли на адвокационные процесс в контексте декриминализации ВИЧ, а именно пересмотр списка запрещенных профессий?

Е.К.: У меня было всего три минуты на выступление перед членами Комитета CEDAW, и я прекрасно помню, как мы готовили мое устное заявление. Каждая секунда имела значение. Мне кажется, что все наши усилия были взаимосвязаны, особенно с учетом того, насколько серьезно государство относится к рекомендациям международных структур. В последние годы в стране действительно заметен прогресс в вопросах поддержки женщин.

С 2019 года начали приниматься законы, направленные на обеспечение равноправия мужчин и женщин и борьбу с дискриминацией и насилием в отношении женщин. Я вижу, что в стране делается акцент на экономическую независимость женщин и расширение наших возможностей в образовании и профессиональной деятельности. Особое внимание уделяется доступу женщин к руководящим должностям, что открывает новые перспективы для нас.

Я верю, что заключительные рекомендации Комитета CEDAW могли сыграть свою роль в том, что государство обратило внимание на перечень запрещенных профессий. Этот список давно нуждался в пересмотре, так как он ограничивал права женщин и препятствовал их профессиональному развитию. Работа в этом направлении продолжается, и я надеюсь, что наши усилия помогут еще большему числу женщин избежать подобных ограничений и добиться справедливости.

С.М.: Итак, 2024 год. Случилось то, что, наверное, вы и мы сами не ожидали – приказом министра здравоохранения изменен (сокращен) список запрещенных профессий для людей, живущих с ВИЧ, в Узбекистане. Как это стало возможным?

Е.К.: Согласно новому приказу, ВИЧ-положительные люди теперь могут работать стоматологами, если они не занимаются хирургическими вмешательствами. Этот шаг стал значимым изменением, особенно для нас, поскольку у нас был случай, когда мужчину, работающего зубным техником, привлекли к уголовной ответственности только из-за его ВИЧ-статуса.

В ноябре 2023 года прошел большой феминистский форум, на котором я выступила с речью, вызвавшей широкий отклик. В одной из газет обо мне написали как о лидерке, живущей с ВИЧ. После этой публикации моей историей заинтересовались в администрации президента. Меня пригласили на встречу, чтобы обсудить наиболее острые проблемы, с которыми сталкиваются женщины и люди, живущие с ВИЧ.

На встрече я постаралась использовать этот шанс, чтобы привлечь внимание к списку запрещенных профессий. Я объяснила, что этот законодательный акт не только не приносит общественной пользы, но и разрушает жизни людей, ограничивая их возможности работать по профессии. Мои доводы нашли отклик. У меня сложилось впечатление, что я смогла убедить их в том, что этот приказ давно утратил свою актуальность.

В процессе обсуждения стало очевидно, что чиновники, с которыми я общалась, проявили прогрессивный подход и готовы поддержать инициативу по пересмотру и изменению списка запрещенных профессий. Их готовность к диалогу и понимание важности вопроса вдохновили меня и дали надежду на дальнейшие позитивные изменения.

С.М.: Я правильно понимаю, что у чиновников Минздрава не было сопротивления этой инициативе? До этого врачи передавали милиции данные о людях с ВИЧ. Не могу забыть случай, когда женщину (медсестру) просто посредине рабочего дня вызвали в райотдел, проверяли список ее контактов в телефонной книге, спрашивали с кем она спит, угрожали статьей, и т.д. — такие «профилактические» унизительные методы.

Е.К.: После принятия нового, сокращенного списка запрещенных профессий мы начали проводить тренинги для медицинских работников. В процессе мы столкнулись с определенным сопротивлением — среди участников встречались эпидемиологи, которые не поддерживали изменения. Они утверждали, что риск передачи ВИЧ все равно существует, несмотря на новые данные и международные стандарты. Такие заявления, скорее, демонстрировали их недостаточную осведомленность в вопросе. Позже их коллеги, врачи с большим опытом, даже советовали им воздержаться от таких высказываний, чтобы не вводить в заблуждение других участников.

Особенно важным для нас стало участие главного эпидемиолога Республиканского центра СПИД в этих тренингах. Он представил информацию об изменениях списка профессий максимально профессионально и доступно, что помогло снизить уровень недоверия и сопротивления среди медработников. Его выступления сыграли важную роль в распространении правильных знаний.

Мы также проводили встречи с сотрудниками МВД, в частности с представителями нравственного отдела, который курировал дела, связанные со статьей 113 УК. Именно они ранее инициировали дела против ВИЧ-положительных парикмахеров, приводя к их уголовному преследованию. Эти обсуждения были для нас важны, поскольку позволили донести до сотрудников правоохранительных органов, что старые нормы больше не отвечают современным реалиям и только способствуют стигматизации людей, живущих с ВИЧ.

С.М.: Мы знаем, что ты работала над законопроектом, который уже подан от вашей неправительственной организации «Ишонч ва Хает» в парламент. Вы еще ответ получили, с благодарностью. Как ты оцениваешь перспективу внесения изменений в УК в отношении 113-й статьи?

Е.К.: Я — оптимистка и уверена, что изменения непременно произойдут, это лишь вопрос времени. Уже сейчас видно, что люди, занимающиеся реформами в области законодательства, осознают, что некоторые законы устарели и требуют пересмотра. Приятно видеть, что страна активно нацелена на обновление законодательных систем и приведение их в соответствие с современными реалиями.

Я верю, что наш голос будет услышан. Тем более, что к этим изменениям призывает не только гражданское общество, но и научное и медицинское сообщество, а также международные организации. Это не просто рекомендации, придуманные в узком кругу активисток/в — это глобальная повестка, отражающая прогресс и понимание того, что ВИЧ-инфекция сегодня является хроническим заболеванием, с которым можно жить благодаря доступному и эффективному лечению.

Важно, что в стране уже происходят позитивные сдвиги. Прогрессивные инициативы в области гендерного равенства, защиты прав женщин и людей, живущих с ВИЧ, демонстрируют стремление государства к улучшению качества жизни своих граждан. Эти перемены дают мне уверенность, что реформа затронет и законодательные акты, которые до сих пор ограничивают людей в их правах и свободе выбора профессии.

Я верю в свое государство и его рациональный подход. Вижу, что идет диалог, и он приносит плоды. Мы движемся в сторону перемен, и я убеждена, что они будут положительными для всех.

С.М.: Последний вопрос. Оглядываясь на твой путь от общественной защитницы до экспертки сообщества, которая подает в парламент проект законодательных изменений, расскажи, как ты к такому пришла? Кто/что за этим стоит?

Е.К.: За всеми нашими усилиями всегда стоят люди — люди, которые нуждаются в помощи и поддержке. Я сама женщина, живущая с ВИЧ, и, хотя напрямую не сталкивалась с криминализацией, в моей жизни было немало примеров стигмы и дискриминации. Один из тех, кого я защищала в суде, теперь стал сотрудником нашей организации. И такие истории дают мне силы и вдохновение двигаться дальше.

В глубине души я мечтаю об идеальном мире. Никто не может запретить мне хотя бы пытаться сделать его таким. Моя главная мотивация всегда была в том, чтобы люди, живущие с ВИЧ, больше не сталкивались с дискриминацией и стигмой, чтобы их права уважались и не нарушались только из-за их диагноза.

Я убеждена, что государство должно работать в интересах тех, кто в нем живет. И сегодня у нас действительно есть хорошие перспективы. Мы видим наличие политической воли и гражданского общества, которое активно участвует в продвижении изменений и имеет реальный вес. Это благоприятное время для перемен.

Государство проявляет желание услышать нас и понять наши проблемы. Более того, мы не просто говорим о проблемах, мы помогаем находить решения, и этот процесс становится для меня дополнительной мотивацией. Когда нас слушают и действительно слышат — это вдохновляет. Это значит, что наши усилия имеют значение и ведут к изменениям.

Приказ Министра здравоохранения Республики Узбекистан

Об утверждении Перечня видов профессиональной деятельности, запрещенных для лиц, зараженных вирусом иммунодефицита человека

[Зарегистрирован Министерством юстиции Республики Узбекистан 07 мая 2014 года. Регистрационный № 2581]

Приказ Министра здравоохранения Республики Узбекистан

Об утверждении Перечня видов профессиональной деятельности, запрещенных для лиц, зараженных вирусом иммунодефицита человека

[Зарегистрирован Министерством юстиции Республики Узбекистан 19 февраля 2024 года. Регистрационный № 3497]

Виды профессиональной деятельности, запрещенные лицам, инфицированным вирусом иммунодефицита человека


1. Профессии, связанные с заготовкой и переработкой крови и ее компонентов.

2. Профессии, связанные с получением крови и ее компонентов, спермы и грудного молока.

3. Профессии, связанные с переливанием крови.

4. Профессии, связанные со следующими медицинскими процедурами: инъекции; диализ; венесекция; катетеризация.

5. Профессии, связанные с косметическими и пластическими операциями.

6. Профессии, связанные со стоматологическими процедурами.

7. Профессии, связанные с родами.

8. Профессии, связанные с абортами и другими гинекологическими операциями.

9. Профессии, связанные с прической и бритьем, пирсингом, маникюром, педикюром и татуировкой.

Виды профессиональной деятельности, запрещенные лицам, инфицированным вирусом иммунодефицита человека


1. Профессии, связанные с заготовкой, переработкой и переливанием крови человека и (или) ее компонентов.

2. Профессии, связанные со всеми видами хирургии.

3. Профессии, связанные с родами.

4. Профессии, связанные со следующими медицинскими процедурами: диализ; венесекция; катетеризация.




US: Lawmakers host community interim study on HIV criminalisation in Oklahoma

Oklahoma lawmakers, policy groups study ways to decriminalize HIV

Sen. Julia Kirt (D-Oklahoma City) and Sen. Carri Hicks (D-Oklahoma City) invited policy and legal groups to a community interim study Wednesday, highlighting a need to decriminalize HIV through a public health approach.

In Oklahoma, there were 387 newly identified cases of HIV in 2021, and 21.7% of these were between the ages of 13 and 34 – a population that accounts for 58% of new infections nationally. Statewide, 6,940 people are living with HIV or AIDS.

Sean McCormick, a staff attorney with the Center for HIV Law and Policy, highlighted Oklahoma statutes that could apply to HIV:

  • HIV-specific exposure offense: It is a felony for a person who is aware of their positive HIV status to engage in conduct that is “reasonably likely” to result in the transfer of the person’s bodily fluids onto another person with “intent to infect another” without their consent or knowledge of the person’s status. McCormick said Oklahoma is one of 32 states with this type of offense, which is punishable by up to five years in prison.
  • HIV-specific sex work law: It is a felony for any person to engage in “prostitution” if they’re aware of their positive HIV status. McCormick said Oklahoma is one of 10 states with an offense targeting people living with HIV and engaging in sex work. It is punishable by up to five years in prison.
  • Spread of contagious diseases: Every person who “willfully exposes” themselves or others in “any public place or thoroughfare” can be charged with a misdemeanor.

McCormick said the exposure offense doesn’t address transmission, meaning people living with HIV could be incarcerated and sentenced despite not transmitting the virus. He said disclosure can also be difficult to prove.

“A man in Oklahoma was charged with knowingly exposing his girlfriend to HIV. She alleged that she did not know about … the man’s status during their relationship,” McCormick said “It was not until six months later that eyewitness testimony proved that, in fact, the woman was aware of the person’s status before initiating their sexual relationship.”

The sex work statute criminalizes behaviors posing no risk of transmission because of its definition of prostitution, McCormick said. It includes oral sex – which poses a low risk of HIV transmission – or making an appointment to engage in sex. “That is, people could be prosecuted under this law for merely sending messages online,” McCormick said.

Oklahoma has seen 141 HIV-related charges, with 130 separate arrests, according to data from the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation compiled by the Williams Institute, a UCLA Law think tank.

Charges Arrests/Prosecutions People Convictions
HIV Exposure 124 115 87 34
Prostitution 17 14 13 0
Both 1 2
Total 141 130 102 34


Nathan Cisneros, the institute’s HIV criminalization project director, said although Oklahoma’s exposure law was last updated in the late 90s, there is continued enforcement of such statutes even today. And that enforcement is happening across the state, with concentrations in urban counties.

Approximately four out of five Oklahomans who have received an HIV-related allegation have never had contact with the criminal legal system. In Oklahoma, men are more likely to live with HIV and be arrested or prosecuted under HIV-related statutes.

Cisneros also said marginalized groups are disproportionately affected by criminalization laws, with Black men experiencing the heaviest impacts.

Vivian Topping, the director of advocacy and civic engagement for the Equality Federation, said HIV criminalization in Oklahoma perpetuates stigma, which can disincentivize testing.

For example, Oklahoma is one of seven states with the highest rural instance rate of HIV. Jeremy Simmons is the director of training and volunteer services at HOPE Tulsa. He said, as someone from a small town, he knows stigma and a lack of access to services can impact rural Oklahomans’ willingness to get tested.

“Everybody knows everybody,” Simmons said. “So there’s the fear, even if there is a county health department doing services – people just don’t access care regularly.”

One way local groups hope to combat stigma is through education.

The only state-mandated subject for sex education is AIDS prevention instruction. That statue was last updated in 1987. But the rest is left up to school districts, who can decide whether to teach sex ed. If they choose to, district superintendents must approve the curriculum, which also has to include information on consent and abstinence, and parents can review the curriculum and choose to opt their kids out.

Freedom Oklahoma Executive Director Nicole McAfee said access to updated education is important for students and lawmakers.

“We have a responsibility as we do this work, to engage in not only the repeal work of modernizing these criminal statutes and work to try to repair the harm to people who’ve been criminalized, but also to engage on destigmatization, public education and support for folks who do the valuable testing and prevention work throughout the state,” McAfee said.

Sen. Hicks told StateImpact and KOSU that Sen. Kirt will continue to work in decriminalizing HIV statutes in Oklahoma through legislation like SB 1418, which she introduced during the 2024 session. The bill wasn’t heard.

Hicks also said she hopes lawmakers will work to address gaps in state sex education.

“Taking today to carve out some space to really do a deep dive in understanding how we got here, I think, is a first step. It’s a baseline,” Hicks said. “And so I feel like we can only build on it from here.”

US: Advocates seek to modernise HIV laws and HIV prevention education

Experts call for modernized HIV education and decriminalization in Oklahoma

Experts said they hope to finally get legislation across the finish line to improve how students are taught about HIV and to decriminalize exposure.

Oklahoma’s current guidelines for HIV education were passed in 1987 and have not been updated since, but previous efforts to modernize them have fallen short amid misinformation and difficulties dispelling outdated stigmas surrounding the virus.

“A lot has happened since 1987 in the field of HIV that our education mandate just doesn’t include,” said Sara Raines, a sexual health educator with the Oklahoma City-County Health Department. “So not only was it written in a way that’s outdated, but it just leaves a lot out. … I think, especially when you look at Oklahoma’s current HIV epidemic, public school education is a great way that we can start making progress in other areas.”

Raines said Oklahoma is one of seven states the federal government has identified as having disproportionately high HIV diagnoses in rural areas. She also said most new HIV diagnoses in Oklahoma in 2022 were for people under the age of 34, which is on par with national trends.

“We tend to think of HIV being something that happens in other places, but it’s here as well,” she said. “Something that is unique about Oklahoma’s epidemic is that we have a pretty disproportionate rural burden of HIV.”

Oklahoma is also one of 34 states that have laws criminalizing HIV exposure, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Nicole McAfee, executive director of Freedom Oklahoma, said these laws are “not rooted in science.” Freedom Oklahoma is a group advocating for LGBTQ+ Oklahomans.

With modern advancements in medicine, people living with HIV who are receiving treatment can have “an undetectable viral load” which means they cannot transmit HIV sexually. Oklahoma’s state statute does not reflect these advancements.

McAfee, who uses they/them pronouns, said efforts to decriminalize the virus usually come with two parts: repealing criminalization in statute and offering a pathway for those who have been incarcerated through the law, potentially through resentencing.

“I think as we think about how we address the harms of criminalization,” they said. “It’s been really important for us, rooted in work we’re doing with the community, that in addition to repealing and thinking about how the state goes forward, we also think about steps to begin to repair harm done to communities who’ve been disproportionately targeted by criminalization.”

State law requires prevention education on HIV and AIDS, but the language of the statute is outdated, Raines said.

The state Legislature has seen few efforts to update the curriculum standards, but most have been unsuccessful. In 2019, the Legislature sent a bill to the governor’s desk that would have modernized HIV education but Gov. Kevin Stitt vetoed it.

Since then, McAfee said, the state has seen efforts to lower standards for sexual education in general, or to remove it completely. When it comes to HIV education, McAfee said some lawmakers and law enforcement have demonstrated hesitation for change because of misinformation.

“I hope that as we continue to create spaces like this and folks continue to see the harm that we will see more legislators join in introducing bills specifically to address HIV modernization,” they said.

Freedom Oklahoma will be hosting an informational session at the Oklahoma Capitol Wednesday. McAfee said it’s intended to “share information and continue trying to educate folks, both in the Legislature and in the general public, about why HIV modernization is a priority.”

Sens. Julia Kirt, D-Oklahoma City, and Carri Hicks, D-Oklahoma City, are set to attend the session.