Police: Man allegedly exposed others to HIV
A Benton man is facing criminal charges after he had sexual intercourse with two people and allegedly did not inform his partners that he was HIV positive.
X, 28, of Benton, is facing two Class A felony charges of exposing another person to human immunodeficiency virus.
Benton detectives began investigating the case after one of the victims brought X to the Benton Police Department.
The victim was crying and visibly upset, the detective noted in the report.
The victim told police that after taking part in unprotected sex, X disclosed that he has HIV. The victim reportedly asked More if he was “clean.”
“(The victim) made it clear to X (he or she) was talking about sexually transmitted diseases,” according to the Benton Police Department report.
Later, X reportedly told the victim he was positive for HIV through Facebook.
While at Saline Memorial Hospital, the victim “had been tested for exposure to HIV with a positive result for exposure,” according to the police report.
The victim called HIV “a death sentence,” telling police medication for the disease costs $4,000 and was not covered by health insurance.
The victim also reported that “X has been giving other people his used syringes and telling them they were new and unused,” Benton detectives noted in the police report.
Another victim told police he or she had oral sex with X, but he never disclosed that he was HIV positive, according to the police report.
More “openly admitted” to police that he had HIV, telling detectives he was diagnosed in 2012.
X, who is deaf, told police he used American Sign Language to tell one victim he had been diagnosed with HIV and he thought the victim understood.
“He nodded his head like he knew about it,” X told police.
X also told detectives he told the other victim online about the diagnosis.
X also denied sharing needles with other individuals.
After being arrested, X was later released from the Saline County Detention Center.